Ladies, your first initial is more than just a letter. It reveals the kind of lover you are and points the way to the mate most likely to make your dreams come true. The study of letters, acrophonology, is an amazingly accurate way to delve into the psyche, says psychologist Andy Cummings. "Researchers found ancient texts that support the belief that your first initial relates to specific personality traits," she explains. "And what the ancients believed is still valid today. In particular, studies have found that acrophonology is especially relevant to passion and romance." Look for your letter below and see what it reveals about the lover who lurks in your soul.
a. You'll do whatever it takes to win the heart of your lover. Your soul mate to keep hidden from others.
b. There's nothing you value more than gifts that prove your lover's devotion. Sentimental and giving, you love papering your mate as well.
c. You're a social animal who craves the closeness of a long-term partner. You want a mate who's both a pal and a lover. Communication and closeness are vital.
d. You're highly passionate and intense, and you require the same zeal from your honey. You may be too possessive at times, but your loyalty is beyond dispute.
e. Your mate should be a good listener because you love to talk. But beyond all the chatter, once you give your heart away, you'll never stray from his side.
f. You're a born romantic who loves to turn fantasy into real life. Notorious for showing affection to public, you need a mate who's not shy.
g. You're a perfectionist, but you don't demand more of your lover than you do of yourself. He must be your intellectual equal to keep you interested.
h. Financial status is high on your list of priorities. You're hesitant about sex during the dating phase, but you jump right in once you know the love will last.
i. Lusty and sure of your powers, you prefer an older man. You need to be worshiped by a lover who appreciates your sexually adventurous spirit.
j. It takes someone with stamina to be your lover because you're a dynamo. Although you're a bit of a loner, you're idealistic about love and need it to last.
k. Shy and secretive, no one would know there's a wildly sensual woman behind the mask. You take love seriously and have the patience to wait for the right person.
l. You must have a man in your life. You especially enjoy the wining and dining rituals of dating, and a guy with a brain is a real turn on.
m. When you fall in love, it's head over heels. Your all-consuming passion must be met with equal ardor to keep you happy.
n. You're unassuming on the outside, but an insatiable lover is lurking just below the surface. You need a lover patient enough to bring out your wilder side.
o. As a lover, you're secretive about your desires, but once they're unleashed with a trusted partner, look out. You must curb your tendency to be jealous of your mate.
p. You're flirtatious and love a good party. You value your reputation and social standing, so a good-looking, intelligent mate is a must.
q. You require constant activity, so you crave a partner who can keep up with you sexually and otherwise. Also, you're intrigued by people from other cultures.
r. When it comes to a lover, you'll take an Einstein over a Schwarzenegger. But under your buttoned-down, sweet exterior, you're a sexy gal who's a demanding playmate.
s. Your career and finances must be in order before you'll even consider romance. You don't give your heart away lightly, but once you do, it's for life.
t. You want a partner who takes the lead in the game of love. Flowers, soft music, and candlelight are guaranteed to ignite your sexual fireworks.
u. You have a generous heart and lavish love and gifts on your sweetheart. When you're not with a partner, you're constantly on the prowl for someone to adore.
v. Eccentric guys peak your interest. Settling down is tough for you because you value your freedom and love living on the wild side.
w. Your willful spirit makes you determined when you're pursuing a love interest. Sometimes blinded by love, you believe nothing is too good for your sweetheart.
x. You're adept at carrying on several relationships simultaneously. Even when you're committed to one person, your mind never stops whirling.
y. You're sexy, sensual and in control at all times. If your love interest won't let you run the show, there could be a test of wills in your relationship.
z. You're a selfless lover who attracts men with problems you think only you can solve. Sincere, passionate and dreamy, you enjoy a rich fantasy life.