Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What's Your First Initial?


Ladies, your first initial is more than just a letter. It reveals the kind of lover you are and points the way to the mate most likely to make your dreams come true. The study of letters, acrophonology, is an amazingly accurate way to delve into the psyche, says psychologist Andy Cummings. "Researchers found ancient texts that support the belief that your first initial relates to specific personality traits," she explains. "And what the ancients believed is still valid today. In particular, studies have found that acrophonology is especially relevant to passion and romance." Look for your letter below and see what it reveals about the lover who lurks in your soul.

a.    You'll do whatever it takes to win the heart of your lover. Your soul mate to keep hidden from others.

b.    There's nothing you value more than gifts that prove your lover's devotion. Sentimental and giving, you love papering your mate as well.

c.    You're a social animal who craves the closeness of a long-term partner. You want a mate who's both a pal and a lover. Communication and closeness are vital.

d.    You're highly passionate and intense, and you require the same zeal from your honey. You may be too possessive at times, but your loyalty is beyond dispute.

e.    Your mate should be a good listener because you love to talk. But beyond all the chatter, once you give your heart away, you'll never stray from his side.

f.    You're a born romantic who loves to turn fantasy into real life. Notorious for showing affection to public, you need a mate who's not shy.

g.    You're a perfectionist, but you don't demand more of your lover than you do of yourself. He must be your intellectual equal to keep you interested.

h.    Financial status is high on your list of priorities. You're hesitant about sex during the dating phase, but you jump right in once you know the love will last.

i.     Lusty and sure of your powers, you prefer an older man. You need to be worshiped by a lover who appreciates your sexually adventurous spirit.

j.     It takes someone with stamina to be your lover because you're a dynamo. Although you're a bit of a loner, you're idealistic about love and need it to last.

k.    Shy and secretive, no one would know there's a wildly sensual woman behind the mask. You take love seriously and have the patience to wait for the right person.

l.      You must have a man in your life. You especially enjoy the wining and dining rituals of dating, and a guy with a brain is a real turn on.

m.   When you fall in love, it's head over heels. Your all-consuming passion must be met with equal ardor to keep you happy.

n.    You're unassuming on the outside, but an insatiable lover is lurking just below the surface. You need a lover patient enough to bring out your wilder side.

o.    As a lover, you're secretive about your desires, but once they're unleashed with a trusted partner, look out. You must curb your tendency to be jealous of your mate.

p.    You're flirtatious and love a good party. You value your reputation and social standing, so a good-looking, intelligent mate is a must.

q.    You require constant activity, so you crave a partner who can keep up with you sexually and otherwise. Also, you're intrigued by people from other cultures.

r.    When it comes to a lover, you'll take an Einstein over a Schwarzenegger. But under your buttoned-down, sweet exterior, you're a sexy gal who's a demanding playmate.

s.    Your career and finances must be in order before you'll even consider romance. You don't give your heart away lightly, but once you do, it's for life.

t.    You want a partner who takes the lead in the game of love. Flowers, soft music, and candlelight are guaranteed to ignite your sexual fireworks.

u.    You have a generous heart and lavish love and gifts on your sweetheart. When you're not with a partner, you're constantly on the prowl for someone to adore.

v.    Eccentric guys peak your interest. Settling down is tough for you because you value your freedom and love living on the wild side.

w.   Your willful spirit makes you determined when you're pursuing a love interest. Sometimes blinded by love, you believe nothing is too good for your sweetheart.

x.    You're adept at carrying on several relationships simultaneously. Even when you're committed to one person, your mind never stops whirling.

y.    You're sexy, sensual and in control at all times. If your love interest won't let you run the show, there could be a test of wills in your relationship.

z.    You're a selfless lover who attracts men with problems you think only you can solve. Sincere, passionate and dreamy, you enjoy a rich fantasy life.



Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Men are like....

Mahalo to the MAN who sent this to me! J  Aloha….Charly


Men are like..... Placemats. They only show up when there's food on the table.


Men are like..... Mascara. They usually run at the first sign of emotion.


Men are like..... Bike helmets. Handy in an emergency, but otherwise they just look silly.


Men are like..... Government bonds. They take so long to mature.


Men are like..... Copiers. You need them for reproduction, but that's about it.


Men are like..... Lava lamps. Fun to look at, but not all that bright.


Men are like..... Bank accounts. Without a lot of money, they don't generate much interest.


Men are like..... High heels. They're easy to walk on once you get the hang of it.


Men are like..... Curling irons. They're always hot, and they're always in your hair.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Putting Your Face Where Your Mouth Is!

This is DAN RIVERS from the 99.9 KISS-FM Morning Show, "Dan & Charly", Weekday mornings from 6-10...

As I re-read that title I guess I'm TECHNICALLY already doing that; putting my face where my mouth is. It's kinda right there all around my mouth!

So just what am I trying to say? It's this:

People are beginning to recognize my voice when I'm out or at least pick up on lifestyle cues they may have heard me speak about on the air. So people are starting to ask: Are you that "GUY ON THE RADIO?"

And you know, I feel differently about the recognition each time. I'm always (yes, ALWAYS) grateful that another human being has taken time to connect with me. Also, I'm always (yes, ALWAYS) glad that, together with Charly, I'm making enough of an impact in our community to have another person recognize me, at least on some level. HOWEVER, what is different each time is whether or not I wish to be SEEN right at that moment (lol).

You see, each of us is usually at varying degrees of readiness when it comes to whether or not we wish to make our "first impression" at any given moment as we do our running around or errands or whatever.

For instance, last night I had just been drinking a Blue Vanilla Icee from the Pi'ikea Minit Stop (man they're good) so my lips, tongue & teeth were blue. I had also just gotten up from a short nap so my face still had the slight impression of sheet wrinkles. Not to mention, I was feeling every bit of my extra weight as it hung on me like a sleepy kid being carried from the car! It was at this very moment that a lady asked, "Are you Dan Rivers from the Radio?" Suddenly, everything inside me wanted to say incredulously, "NO!, No, I'm not Dan Rivers from the Radio... I'm just your average everyday, Wrinkly Faced, Half Awake, Bed Hair Sportin', Mis-Buttoned Shirt Wearin', Blue Toothed, Stained Lipped & poorly masked Morning Breath Blowin' LOSER! So FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! PLEASE LOOK AWAY!!! Have pity."

But it was too late, my son was walking up to me having heard the question and my Wife was not far behind... Yes, unfortunately, I AM Dan Rivers. Feel free to mock me, laugh in amusement, or just throw up.

And then she said it... The thing I hear often enough. The thing whose deeper meaning I never quite comprehend entirely. The phrase that keeps me guessing...

She said (I'm paraphrasing) "It's nice to put a face with the voice... You don't look the way I thought, You don't look the way you sound" or some words to that effect.

I almost always take that to mean: Wow, you're not good looking like I thought you'd be (LOL) or some other thing that I interpret as being less than flattering. But the truth is, I often think the worst. I need to get over that.

So I realize she was not being mean or rude at all. In fact she was very complimentary. It's my own deep insecurities that cause me to think the way I do. So please understand I know she was simply making conversation as she drank in all that is.... "Dan Rivers!" LOL.

As we continued speaking it was very nice to get to know her. I then met her 2 children and promised to say hello tomorrow morning. So, it happened again. I was able to meet another listener. I feel fortunate to have met Pandora, her daughter Breanna & her son Dalton both of whom attend Lokelani Intermediate School. I feel so grateful that they choose to spend a portion of their morning with us as they start their day. That is one of the nicest compliments one can receive; that another person wants to spend their time with you. So to the others of you who spend time with Charly and me as we do the Radio Show... THANK YOU!

So if you see me out or if you see someone that you think might be me, please DO ask: Are you that "GUY ON THE RADIO?" Because when it's all said and done I LOVE being that "GUY ON THE RADIO!" And I would like to be able to meet you and finally put a face with one of the people on the other side of the microphone.

Blog Ya Later!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Is Dan Innately Female?

This is CHARLY ESPINA TAKAHAMA from the 99.9 KISS FM Morning Show, “Dan & Charly,” weekday mornings from 6 to 10…


I hate to lose.   I mean, isn’t it a fact that when we get into a “discussion” with our male counterparts, us women often think we’re right (whether we are or not) and then really relish the moment when we prove that we actually are indeed right?  So today, I discovered I had made an error and delivered some wrong information on the air.  I said that Bedtime Stories and the Tales of Despereaux were out on DVD today.  Dan said he could’ve sworn he’d already seen them for sale over the weekend.  I said, nope, my information that I had carefully researched said they were out today.  DVDs come out on Tuesdays, and rarely any other day.  At that point, tons of calls started coming in on how our listeners had purchased them over the weekend, so (crap!) Dan was right!   I admitted to being wrong, but what really irked me was that HE was “relishing the moment when he proved that he was RIGHT!”  Coming by my desk long after the “discussion” was pau, saying “you know the calls kept coming in that you were wrong and I was right…..”  There’s only one conclusion to this.  Dan has got to have female genes somewhere!!


Seriously though, we enjoy waking up with you and discovering the differences between men and women, the on-going battle of the sexes.  Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fool's Day

This is DAN RIVERS from the 99.9 KISS-FM Morning Show, "Dan & Charly", Weekday Mornings from 6-10...

Today's show was an [itu the silly thpond that people ksaikljrfpiojep and how we all ok34[pkff ;e,. in the deepest kjalkjnfp;aK OF POUR A;OJF.

And to be honest I never realpop that wpiojmvpior the 'psanp[of and you know how pbmmqw can pejn's or at least miklspow forever. LOL

well that's reall all for now. I was gonna fjd'g about the
jmdpokas that we djips dogk top[osan but to be honest.... I really akjhdpow npiosn
slkfw the ';sknvq3... So there!

Blog ya later!

Monday, March 30, 2009

"Big Belly" Bail Out Package

This is DAN RIVERS from the 99.9 KISS-FM Morning Show, "Dan & Charly", Weekday mornings from 6-10...

So... I've decided to blame my over-sized belly (and the rest of "over-sized Dan") on the economy. Why not? We blame it for everything else. Why not my weight? It makes sense though if you think about it.

Being overweight is partially the result of not eating right. Eating right is expensive. Eating poorly is less expensive. So, in this economy, where I can't afford the healthy food options, the logical conclusion (based upon my own personal economic recession) is this: "I can't afford to lose weight!" TAH DAH!... Thank You very much, I'll be here all week! Please remember to tip your servers!

So, where's my Bail Out Package... please come rescue me from... uh.. ME!

Now, OBVIOUSLY if I keep up THAT kind of thinking I WILL remain overweight! THANKFULLY I can see through my own ridiculousness to see that is nonsense.

Here's the real thing...

I saw a local man on the evening news tonight who won several awards & received some honors because he was able to go from 355 pounds down to 165 pounds in about 2 years. He lost 190 pounds. OMG! I can't remember his name but it wasn't his name that stood out. As I watched his interview, it was THIS statement that really grabbed me. When I heard him say it, it hit me hard... I don't remember the exact wording so I'll have to paraphrase but basically this was his own epiphany at one point. It was the moment that pushed him over the edge & put him on his path to begining his weight loss: He said... he realized that up until that moment, he had been too selfish to lose weight. That's it! Too SELFISH! He had a family with children who needed him and he was too selfish to go through whatever it took to become better for them. It all boiled down to selfishness! SELFISHNESS! Do you hear me?

Now THAT, I get!

I am really big on family and doing whatever it takes to have a good one. I want to be a good Daddy & a good Husband. This guy hit the nail on the head. I have basically been SELFISH by not making the hard decisions needed to lose weight. If you, like me, struggle with your weight you'll understand this concept. It is SO EASY to just cruise along and continue the same old habits that keep us overweight & unhealthy. To change any of those habits almost takes an act of God. So it is very hard to make a change. But NOT doing it keeps us from our loved ones in MANY ways. Let me tell you... the 165 pound man is right. If I don't choose to change, I am being selfish. The end.

So, for the 568th time, I am gonna try again to get healthy. I am hoping that if I make my wife & my family a priority now, I can morph into really believing in my heart, what I know SHOULD be true but somehow just isn't; My health & Myself need to be a priority. If that can happen then hopefully I'll make a healthy transition. All the while losing not just the weight but that darned selfishness right along with it.

Wish me luck. Oh, a prayer would be nice too. Thanks!

Blog ya later!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Charly-Free," is not for me!

This is DAN RIVERS from the 99.9 KISS-FM Morning Show, "Dan & Charly", Weekday mornings from 6-10...

To those of you visiting for the first time, Thank You! To those of you returning, big deal. lol! Just kidding, just kidding, Thank You TOO! Very Much!

Well, thank goodness it's only temporary, but Charly wasn't on the show this morning. She wasn't feeling well today so she had to miss it. I really don't like doing the show without her.

So, for those of you who don't like the show as much either when she's gone, I GET IT! I really do. I need that female perspective to help keep me grounded.

To those of you who called to wish her well, I will pass it on to her when she comes back. I HOPE IT'S TOMORROW! But that's a selfish wish. Obviously we want her to get better first... (long pause) as long as she gets better by tomorrow! Please!

Also, thanks to my lovely wife Gina who called today while I was on the air to help give me some of that female perspective I was talking about. She reminded me of a story that I apparently, uhhh... MIS-REMEMBERED LOL!

So I got corrected. No big deal I can handle that, I can take it.

Today's Impossible Question was this:

According to Glamour magazine, 20% of men are comfortable enough to do THIS just 3 months into a relationship. What is it?

Please scroll down for the answer:

Answer: Share a toothbrush!


Blog ya tomorrow!